Google in the classroom

Hi Michael,
I’m glad you love this resource. It is constantly updating and will be great in our classrooms.

ICTyler going Bananas

Wow, Google comes to school. Check out this link!

Thanks to Barb for showing me this. A great resource that will be valuable to any pre service and current teachers!

So ICTyler going Bananas is meant to read I see Tyler (my little man) going crazy while my team for another subject are trying to knuckle down and look at a group assignment. I was lucky with my daughter Amelia sleeping most of the session on a nice little beanbag. Probably not something I will do again and I feel sorry for the librarian after Tyler terrorized the teaching resources. Hopefully everything ended back in their rightful place!Google-Apps

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Prep A in action using ICT

My professional experience finds me  wanting to stay in the classroom. I am in a foundation class, Prep A with 24 beautiful and unique little people. Such a mix of personalities, some a little livelier than the others. There have been a few tears, lots of smiles and curious minds about learning and about me.

Life in extremely busy in Prep A, there is no space in the day. Packed full of wonderful activities to engage and inspire, we have been practicing our counting forward and backwards to 20, learning and revising new blends, dr, sh, tr, br, along with lots of colouring, trying to stay in the lines and writing sentences.  We visited the library, completed the Prep area obstacle course, which is lined with our site words, started swimming and Thursday it was off to the computer lab for exploration on computers.

The students wearing their earphones, are introduced to the Early learning program, BroadLEARN. BroadLEARN, is designed for young children 3 to 7 with hundreds of numeracy and literacy focused songs, stories, puzzles and interactive activities for children to engage with, at a level appropriate to their stage of development.
Click on the picture below to find out more…

broadlearningPrep a in actin


broadlearning 2

Article: Using digital technologies for learning

An interesting blog post from McK. There seems to be no end…

McK EDC3100

The list of digital technologies that might be used for teaching and learning is extensive. It includes: LMSs (Learning Management Systems); MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses); BYOD (bring your own device); BYOT (bring your own technology); BYOC (bring your own connectivity); makerspaces; robotics; digital portfolios; online discussion forums; blogging platforms; wikis, microblogging; back channels; audio […]

via Choosing the (digital) pedagogical tool fit for the learning — the édu flâneuse

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A little too late…

I’m sure we are all aware of the ‘—————– for Dummies’  series of books, and it comes as no surprise there is one called, ‘Blogging For Dummies.’ Where was this when we all began our adventures into blogging at the start of this course back in July? Some of you may have purchased a copy to help make sense of the new learning experience we needed to engage in over the semester.

Well if you didn’t…. and see yourself continuing as a blogger, whether it is here or you see yourself using a blog in the classroom or just for pleasure, I found the literature to support and inspire you as ‘a future blogger.’  

Enjoy …

Blogging for Dummies




Professional Experience starts tomorrow

Hi there everyone,
tomorrow is the first day of my three week professional experience.
I’m looking forward to my day, however, feel a little nervous at the same time.
I wish my EDC3100 friends and peers a wonderful ‘teaching experience’ and look forward to our sharing along the way.

Prep A students



What is a TED talk?

TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design and was first introduced in 1984. It is a global non-for-profit organisation that welcomes people from every culture and discipline who seek deeper understanding of the world we live in.
They are passionate and driven by the overarching goal of ‘making great ideas accessible and spark conversation amongst us (TED, 2017).

You may be wondering why I am talking about TED…

I have discovered TED is another great source for Educational videos , not just for adults but for students too. TED’s collection of educational and inspirational talks relevant to classroom practices and teacher personal development are connected to issues the global community of educators will come across and provide food for thought.

What are your thoughts? Enjoy.

TT2      TT1.

2. Picture1

1. Picture1

Robinson, K. (2013). How to escape education’s Death Valley. Retrieved September 29, 2017, from

Mitra, S. (2007). Kids can teach themselves. Retrieved September 29, 2017,

Ted Conferences. LLC. (N.d). TED ideas worth spreading. Retrieved September 29, 2017 from




Sharing our learning through blogging

I was surprised today to hear from one of the students in our course and how I had indirectly answered a query of hers. Her blog name is Gnarly Nigerti [GN], which she assures is not her real name. There is something to be said for disguising our digital footprint.
I have been following GN from the beginning and we often wished, along with many others, course readings, would have included, ICT for Dummies. Funny, it was not on the essential reading list provided by the university. (?)  However, with a lecturer/ examiner, who teaches, encourages, inspires and tells us what we can do with technology and why, we have been driven by the desire to succeed.
Today was proof that connecting via technology does work and can make us smile. I feel this is one of the hidden criteria of the course. GN had posed a question relating to a particular pedagogy, which I had previously included in a blog. One of those ahah moments, I think. Today was also proof that when we share, we have no idea how that can positively impact on others. That is something to smile about.

Lets keep blogging…
Screenshot 2017-09-23 18.28.49

Professional Experience coming up.

In 2 weeks, I begin my 4th Professional Experience. I’m going to Prep or  Foundation, the very early years of learning. In light of that I decided to do some exploring about little people.

Picture3Queensland Early Childhood Education and Care , is definitely worth a visit. Links galore and lots of information.

Age appropriate pedagogies  applies to Prep to Year 3, the Early Years of learning. A framework with focus on the child, their interests, capabilities and the experiences and understandings they bring to school.

I think it is worth a look for those of us who are going to be spending time with ‘little ones’ in the coming weeks.

Ive included the  11 characteristics  of the Age Appropriate Pedagogies. They represent the desirable qualities teachers show when working with colleagues to provide the most effective learning opportunities for each child.